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FMICA Organizers Association

Film Music InterCultural Association

Founded and Based in France


Founding Board

Gwendeline Lumaret

Etienne De Nys




10, Ave. Gustave Rouanet, 75018, Paris, France


The french Artistic-cultural Association of FMICA Organizers (Film Music InterCultural Association) was founded with registration number W271002382 in 2017 (June 19) according to France Law of 1901. This association statute includes all specified non-profit activities concerning introduction, training, performance, preparation, and production of movie music, international music record projects, and theatre music. FMICA's founding board contains a group of valid French musicians and some valid cultural directors of Europe, Africa, and Middle East. Formal members and honorary membership of this association have been exceeding 400 individuals of Europe, Africa, and Asia by the year 2021.

Also, this association is also member of founder equipments of the Droit de Femme et Cinema Festival in 2019 (in Paris) that with directorship of Yse Brisson and with the help of Cultural Center of Azerbaijan Republic in France has been annually held as yet.

Moreover, this association carries out activities relating to international production of books introducing works of artists having membership of FMICA and some of these productions are accessible by the English-French publishing center of Storia Editions and valid world platforms such as Amazon.


Since 2016, this association has been producing archives of music works belonging to artists of Middle East, Africa, and Europe as the specified cooperation in the introduction and production of international music. Among these works, there are works of well-known artists. Some of them are as follows: Alim Qasimov (the winner of IMC prize from UNESCO in 1999), Jean-Philippe BEC (the composer, piano player, and the winner of creditable prizes such as contemporary music prize of ICOM), Regis Campo (the well-known French composer and deputy of Paris Beux Arts Academy) Laurent Petitgirard (the pre-chairman of France Authors Association SACEM and the founder of Colomb symphonic orchestra), the contemporary music ensemble of TM+ in Paris, Macadi Nahhas (the national opera singer of Jordan Opera), and LORNOAR (the Cameroon musician and one of 10 top female singers in the Africa continent).

This association directors introduce archives of their artists due to their broad relationship with professional companies, international organizations such as UNESCO, Organization of World Museums (ICOM), France Culture Radio, France Music Radio, NHK TV in Japan and regular presence in international festivals of music and movie and attempt to introduce and officially present works relating to activities, artistic trend, and operational policies of them.


APPLICATION of FMICA Association membership can directly receive dossier or send their resume along with at least 5 professional works of the related areas without any age limit. Artists and works qualitatively accepted by the association's board of advisors can enter into the specified archive. Each of members will have a specified code for registration of their works in the association archive and this code will be offered to them in formal writing. Material-spiritual maintenance and protection of the accepted members' works are fully on duty of FMICA according to the sent codes.



Today, All activities of this association are monitored by SAFPEM Institute and are accessible through the institute's formal platforms. 

© All rights reserved to SAFPEM - Last update in 2025

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